Been a good week for us here at Operation: Sound Off! as we ramp up into our KickStarter funding campaign. We've had some early pledges which we are very thankful for, and we're anxious to get more traffic on the KickStarter page, which is at!
It dawned on me (or is it donned on me) that it may not be obvious on how KickStarter actually works. So I want to spell it out for you. Here are the main points:
- It's all or nothing funding. If we don't reach our goal, you keep your money!
- Funding is reward based. You are actually getting something for your pledge, such as Advanced Copies of the OSO EP, Concert Tickets, Trip to Nashville and Tickets to the CMA Awards, or a Private OSO "House Concert" for you and your friends!
- You can pledge any amount, from $1 - $10,000!
- It's safe and secure, using Amazon Payments, one of the most trusted E-Commerce entities on the Internet.
- You'd be helping us fulfill the dreams of deserving military men and women.
Please spread help us by spreading the word. We can't do it alone. There are widgets and links all ready prepared for you to post to your Facebook, Twitter, and other online destinations. Please go to and share with your friends and family.
Operation: Sound Off! will not only help these individual artists pursue their dreams and help them with reintegration and rehabilitation, but their music will reach out and touch the lives of their brothers and sisters in arms, as well as the rest of the world and inspire us all.
Thank you for your time and support!
Scotty Huff
Co-Founder, Operation: Sound Off!